Diwali Participant Registration
Now Closed

1. Teams of 14 or more participants
2. Minimum age is 11 yrs.
3. 4 songs maximum per group for medley
4. 5 minutes maximum stage time per group
5. Each participant should not be in more than one performance to maximize opportunity for participation and for smooth transitions.
6. Only one entry per dance academy/choreographer, team lead and/or combination of choreographer/dance academy/team lead.
7. Each performance should reflect certain region/state/country with Traditional outfit
8. We strive to bring programs of the highest quality to an audience of diverse culture and ethnicity. Any program which portrays any culture, religion, community or language in any derogatory manner (even unintentionally) will not be accepted.
9. Costumes should be appropriate to the dance style and the stage (pay attention to how they look under lights and at a height). We will need to have a sample costume for our auditions to avoid surprises and disappointments towards the end.
10. All participants MUST attend the mandatory stage rehearsal (dates will be sent once you confirm participation).
11. All songs/performances should be approved by the cultural committee and theme to be followed.
Confirmation Emails will be sent out between 8/26/2023 – 8/28/2023
Registration will close on Aug 22, 2023
Contact - cultural-team@hsmn.org for any questions
The theme of this year Diwali event is “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – Diwali around the world”