HSMN Tennis Tournament 2024 Registration

HSMN Tennis Tournament Registration
Thank you for your interest in registering for HSMN tennis tournament 2024. Please read the following information and register using the form.
Tournament Format (32 Player Draw):
Scoring through quarter final - 8 game super set - 10 point tie breaker at 7-0
Scoring for semis - best of 3 with 3rd set 10 point tie breaker
Scoring for finals - best of 3 full sets
Tournament Categories:
Category 1: Singles - NTRP rating 3.5 (or equivalent UTR rating)
Category 2: Singles - NTRP rating 4.0 (or equivalent UTR rating) and above
Category 3: Doubles - open (no separate categories based on rating)
A player can participate in both singles and doubles, but only in 1 singles category.
Trophies will be presented to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category.
For registering for singles tournament; if you have an NTRP or UTR rating, please use that to select appropriate singles tournament category to register for. If not, use the following guideline to self-rate yourself to determine appropriate category. Please ensure you register for the right category to avoid disqualification. Doubles tournament category is open to all rating levels.
4.0+ rating:
With a 4.0 NTRP rating, you play with power, a variety of spins and with consistency. In addition, you are able to develop a strategy and can change it if necessary to control the momentum of the match. Players at this level have solid footwork, are able to hit the ball deep with direction and most times can handle the pace with ease. Your serves are hit with pace and you seldom double fault. As a doubles player, you play the net with controlled aggression.
3.5 rating:
This player has achieved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but still lacks depth, variety and the ability to alter distance of shots. The effective use of lobs, Overheads, approach shots, and volleys is limited. This player is more comfortable at the net, has improved court awareness, and is developing teamwork in doubles.
The following is the tentative schedule to help you plan. A detailed schedule will be published prior to the tournament start.
Singles 4.5 Tournament: Saturday June 22nd Early round through Quarterfinals Matches start @ 8:00AM
Singles 3.5 Tournament: Saturday June 22nd Early round through Quarterfinals Matches start @ 8:00AM
Doubles Tournament: Saturday June 22nd Early round through Quarterfinals Matches start @ 4:00PM
Semifinals & Finals
Singles Semifinals: Sunday June 23rd @ 9:00 AM
Doubles Semifinals: Sunday June 23rd @ 9:00 AM
Singles Final & 3rd Place Match : Sunday June 23rd 5:00 PM
Doubles Final 3rd Place Match : Sunday June 23rd 7:00PM
We will try to avoid schedule matches during early afternoons as much as possible, but may need to be flexible depending on the weather on those days.
All the matches will be at Eden Prairie Central Middle School Tennis Courts
Address: 8050 Wallace Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Registration fees:
Singles: $25 per person
Doubles: $15 per person ($30 per team)
Beverages and refreshments:
We will provide water and light refreshments. Food will be available to purchase from a food truck available at the venue.
Please contact ramit.buggeinani@hsmn.org for any questions you may have.